I've always been a big fan of Anderson Cooper but ever since the rumors popped out about him being gay I'd usually shoot it down. After this video, I can no longer support you Anderson Cooper. Even if the puns were pretty "ridiculist"
The Counter.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
If John Lennon was still alive...
When I visited Barnes and Nobles they had this great book of John Lennon's life. They had a lot of copied documents from his life including things like his report card and random lyric sheets. Gotta love Lennon's sarcastic way of acquiring peace on earth. I for one have just joined the Nutopian society so I have DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY to EVERYTHING.(just for the record) If only that got through to the government we could join the Nutopian society and do whatever the hell we want. Free of rules enforced by this stupid ass country.
Jack Hannahan witnessed the birth of his first child because of the generosity of his Indians teammates. | MLB.com: News
Jack Hannahan witnessed the birth of his first child because of the generosity of his Indians teammates. | MLB.com: News
Sorry about the bloggers block for all my followers ( or lack of) but this story really hit home for me. Third basemen Jack Hannahan of the Indians is a journeyman meaning he usually has to work his ass to get a final spot on a roster knew that his wife is in the hospital because a chance of a possible early pregnancy. After a game in Boston he received an urgent message that his wife was in labor, two months earlier than expected. There were no commerical flights during the night and the only possibility to get over there was a private flight. It would of cost him an upwards of 35,000 dollars and with a salary of 500,000 it would still be too expensive. All of Hannahan's teammates knew this was incredibly important to him and they didn't want him to receive bad news like a possible death over the phone. Everyone pitched in and Jack was able to get the flight back to Cleveland. He made it just in time to witness the birth of his first child. This just shows how the thoughtlessness of others can help change somebody's life. Congrats Jack Hannahan and your family.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Deep Thought of the Day- 8/11 Be Grateful for what YOU have
It's time to get deep again. Today, I got a call from my grandmother and she invited me over for dinner because she was feeling lonely, for those who do not know my grandfather right now is at a physical therapy center for older people who can't take care of themselves. This would be his second week being gone from home. It made me realize that all the small problems I have can be put into perspective by comparing this situation right here. When I arrived at my grandmothers apartment, I can tell she wasn't feeling that good, her eyes were a bit puffy and she was having pain in her back and legs for the last month. When I saw her face I immediately felt this sinking feeling, perhaps the same feeling she had as well. I'm the youngest one in my whole family (big Greek family) and one of the very few of her grandchildren that still live around her. It was hard to see such a strong woman who took care and looked after me as a child so worried and sad We had a very nice dinner, she is in fact the best cook to ever live, nothing beats grandma's cooking. Its crazy how you know when someone feels better by just looking at them. During the time I was there, I noticed that my problems in life are just minor and blown out of proportion by over thinking everything and being self consumed. By being able to help my grandmother by just giving her company, it helped me shed some light on a lot of situations in my life. I plan on visiting my grandfather later today at physical therapy. He too is most definitely feeling lonely and just wants to go home. It feels good to make a difference and help somebody who is very close to you, even when you feel like your the only one on this world. Just be grateful for what you have and who cares about you. Then you realize that all those useless things that consume your focus are meaningless. Break the pattern of self indulging in bad feelings and help somebody do the same. Live life, love life, appreciate life.
God Damn Cops- Seat Belts are Overrated
Why god damn cops? I'll tell you why. Last night was the second consecutive night I have received a ticket. SECOND STRAIGHT NIGHT! I will admit, the first one was a little more deserving since I was going 61 on a 45 but the second one was ridiculous! I literally just pulled out of my buddy's house and not even 10 seconds later I get pulled over. Of course this being the second night pulled over in a row I felt I could wiggle my way out of this. The reason for pulling me over was because I didn't have my seat belt. Fuck that shit. I was on the road for less than 10 seconds! Give me a god damn chance to put it on! Why do they give out seat belt tickets anyways, its our choice if we wanna be safe or not, I at the time was feeling quite daring. I'd rather learn the hard way to have my seat belt on then getting a stupid fucking ticket. Seat belts are overrated anyways. Just like air bags they have a possibility to kill you as well during an accident. Thank you police for wasting my time and my money for stupid bullshit. What are some of your crazy getting pulled over for stupid shit stories?
Oh yeah, your favorite part, the funny pictures.
Oh yeah, your favorite part, the funny pictures.
Wait until Vader hears about this one.
That dog is carrying!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Monday, August 8, 2011
True Life- I'm a Sugar Baby
This may be the stupidest and gayest true life I have ever seen, and there has been many stupid true lives. Who gives a shit about these prostitutes who take gifts and money for their company?! These people are scumbags for taking an hour out of the MTV schedule (like they would of put something better on anyways) just because they live the life of a high classed whore. How artificial can you be to take money and other things in exchange for their company? I can understand it from a rich mans point of view, you don't want to do any work and you'd like a nice little hot woman to take care of you and your cock but still...please the point of view from the whores is just ridiculous. I don't give a shit about how you want to ask your sugar daddy for 2 grand just because you wanna buy a fucking dress. No one cares that your deciding between going back to your boyfriend or to your sugar daddy, how about you get a job and stop being a whore. Oh, you don't like the way your sugar daddy is treating you? Wait?! He wanted to have sex within the first week and your complaining about it!? Your getting paid, shut the fuck up.
Remi "Does Whatever He Wants" Gallard
This guy is my hero. God bless people like this who don't give a fuck. I'd be willing to do this but you know what they would to a guy like me in jail. Thank you Remi Gallard for your boundlessness in humor.
And of course, THE KANGAROO!!!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Random Thought of the Day 8-7
People have the tendency of over thinking anything. I am one of those people. So I thought to myself randomly one day, how would it feel to be killed? ( weird question right?) How would it be like? This is where everyone's says well you go to heaven after or blah blah blah. Think about it! What really happens after? Nothing? Then whats the point of living if we only get possibly 75 years of consciousnesses and then the rest of eternity of constant nothingness. I'm not convinced for SHIT! I am an Orthodox Christian and believe in God, heaven, the whole 9 yards but thinking from a logical stand point, it is all too puzzling. Hopefully reincarnation is true and I can be an eagle or a cat. That would be pretty cool. What are your thoughts on this?
Music- How much have you changed over the years?
Everyone likes music. That's a given. Being born in the wrong generation, since I still live in the 60's and 70's to some of my friends, why has music changed so much? Obviously music evolves through out the years but it seemed like music was at such a creative prime during the 60's and 70's. Now it seems like every song is just recycled from another, AND PEOPLE DON'T CARE. It's all about making money and being commercialized. We call these people artists? I call them puppets. Of course not all music from today is not all bad, but it seems like no ones trying anymore. No ones really attempts anything daring back in the day such like concept albums, its all about getting your number 1 hit out and start collecting. Who ever else likes the same music I do ( The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, The Who, ELO, etc.), do you see another band of this caliber to come around again? Perhaps I'm being biased, but please prove me wrong. If you disagree send me any album that's from this previous decade that you think is artistically masterful, music at its best. I'll listen to it and review it on the blog. Here is a list of albums that I felt set the standard for music.
- Sgt. Peppers Lonely Heart Club Band(The Beatles)
- Quadrophenia (The Who)
- Band on the Run (Paul McCartney)
- Dark Side of the Moon (Pink Floyd)
- On the Threshold of a Dream (Moody Blues)
- Abbey Road ( The Beatles)
- The Doors ( The Doors obviously)
- Venus and Mars (Paul McCartney and Wings)
- Message from the Country ( The Move)
- Face the Music (ELO)
- Much more, just ask and I shall recommend!
What would you do if you were going to die tomorrow?
As I visit my grandfather in the hospital today, I was thinking to myself (like usual) that life can be too short. One day your just living and boom, your dead. Don't you agree that sometimes your just moving through the motions of life without really living it up? It's time to take action, don't miss an opportunity for anything due to procrastination. Trust me, I'm the worst procrastinator. I'll push myself to live it up and try to keep myself out of jail in the process. Not making any promises. What are some things you'd do if were not going to be living anymore within the next week?
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Is World Peace Attainable?
Will there ever be a point in time where everyone just gets along? This world is no different then a class of 2nd graders. Everyone is over privileged and feels they can do whatever they feel like. No one looks at the big picture anymore. Why can't the world just work as a team rather than divided teams working against each other? The question may sound stupid and your probably thinking of many ways to answer this question but actually think about it. Anything is possible. Don't you think world peace will get us headed in the right direction? Millions of people die because of starvation, disease, or crime. The people who have all the power, or so we think, could probably get this done. But why not? How do you think the world will be in 50 years? While hearing that question I can't help but feel a little anxious. There seems to be more questions than answers, and I may have the hippie mindset on this but think about it, you know how much money goes into our military services and other countries well? This country is in a depression so instead of putting our money into something important and productive, we have to spend incredible amounts of money too keep this country safe from others. If we had nothing to worry about and everyone was under some kind of peace treaty, we can use that money to help others. Once again, sounds like a pipe dream but big events take place from smaller events that happen before. If only I can slip some LSD in to everyone's cup in the United Nations and give my peace speech, then we might of changed the world. What are your thoughts?
A Little About Me- My Current Job
At the age of 20, there aren't many places that you can make a salary or have an incredibly well paying job that you enjoy. This is why I choose to work at a grocery store ( NOT JEWEL OR DOMINIKS.) To be honest, I fuck around just as much as I work, probably way more fucking around then work. I love my managers because I feel like there on the same page with me and they let me carry on with my stupidity. As long as you get your work done were all good. Even if you are soloing on a piece of cardboard to the song "Baker Street" on the radio, which I may say have gotten down perfectly. It's one thing to talk about it but maybe some pics will help you get a better visual on how I get payed to just look good, play air guitar, and mess shit up.
This is my Co-Pilot, that's what I call him because he helps me navigate through life(pretty deep right?) Well this time Co-Pilot has navigated himself into a pickle he might have trouble getting out of. He might of had his radar set backwards, or someone had there cell phone during liftoff. That tongue won't help you now, Co-Pilot.
Not many know how high up that is. Were talking about Mt. Everest here, well maybe not, but still pretty damn high up. We also like to surf the Pepsi pallets when the waves are nice. Griff, definitely the sexiest surfer in the back room, loves to ride the big ones(sexually). How he got up there I'm not sure, but I'm assuming he climbed up there spider-man style. Only one way to describe this picture, Gnarly.
Many people enjoy this holiday in a recreational way. When you work where I work, we add ways to make this holiday much more special. Everyone at work was so ready for this day we even made a song to go with it.(Think Happy Birthday but a hundred times better) "Happy 420 to us! Happy 420 to us! Happy 420 to us! Lets munch on this cake." I shed a tear in happiness like everyone else, and we proceeded to munch. Oh yeah, this was actually done on 4/21. Leave it to a bunch of stoners.
I finally found it! The switch that decides the seasons! Now I can go skiing one day and then go to the beach the next. Life would of been a lot more fun if I found this as a kid. If it's too cold out? Flip the switch. If it's way to humid outside? Flip the switch. The meteorologists won't see what hit them he he he. Take that Tom Skilling!
If you liked this post, comment about how your job is different and crazy. Love to hear other peoples stories on their jobs. Help me with my project as well, Thank you!
This is my Co-Pilot, that's what I call him because he helps me navigate through life(pretty deep right?) Well this time Co-Pilot has navigated himself into a pickle he might have trouble getting out of. He might of had his radar set backwards, or someone had there cell phone during liftoff. That tongue won't help you now, Co-Pilot.
Not many know how high up that is. Were talking about Mt. Everest here, well maybe not, but still pretty damn high up. We also like to surf the Pepsi pallets when the waves are nice. Griff, definitely the sexiest surfer in the back room, loves to ride the big ones(sexually). How he got up there I'm not sure, but I'm assuming he climbed up there spider-man style. Only one way to describe this picture, Gnarly.
Many people enjoy this holiday in a recreational way. When you work where I work, we add ways to make this holiday much more special. Everyone at work was so ready for this day we even made a song to go with it.(Think Happy Birthday but a hundred times better) "Happy 420 to us! Happy 420 to us! Happy 420 to us! Lets munch on this cake." I shed a tear in happiness like everyone else, and we proceeded to munch. Oh yeah, this was actually done on 4/21. Leave it to a bunch of stoners.
I finally found it! The switch that decides the seasons! Now I can go skiing one day and then go to the beach the next. Life would of been a lot more fun if I found this as a kid. If it's too cold out? Flip the switch. If it's way to humid outside? Flip the switch. The meteorologists won't see what hit them he he he. Take that Tom Skilling!
If you liked this post, comment about how your job is different and crazy. Love to hear other peoples stories on their jobs. Help me with my project as well, Thank you!
Friday, August 5, 2011
Fun project, Need your help!
I'm planning on going into the Windy City to interview the people of my city. This is where you come in. Tell me questions that I can ask these people that you would like to see, that's right, I'm video taping all of this for your delight. I will of course think of my own. Be creative!
Paul McCartney adds another tally for INCREDIBLE PERFORMANCES
What can I say about Paul McCartney's performance at Wrigley Field? He was nothing short of spectacular at the age of 69. I bought my tickets in a months advance and actually found out I over payed for my ticket when my friend told me hours later he got a ticket that was just a few sections over for $50. Of course, I did not let this bother me because it was well worth it. I knew that I was going to leave a happy person unlike all the Cubs games I've been to this year. (Still a die hard fan) Sir Paul McCartney has not lost a step as he opened with Magical Mystery Tour while he usually opens with Hello, Goodbye in previous performances. I was suprised in how well he was performing while the conditions were so humid and muggy. He did not have a sip of water the whole time! Nor did he take any kind of intermission. It was 3 and half hours of straight Paul. What made me appreciate him even more is that he had this charming touch to him that made him seem like a comedian at times. If anyone knows how to rule a crowd, it's Sir Paul. With 3 incredible encores it didn't seem like he would end, and of course he finished it up with "The End." Enjoy the video and make sure to check out other videos on Youtube and make sure to grab a ticket when he's by your town.
Why start blogging now?
This is the first time I have ever started a blog and may not be the most educated on this but my purpose of starting this blog is share my opinions about anything that matters or interests me. The same reason we all start a blog right? I'm not doing this just to think I can get famous but I want to know how everything thinks on any certain topic so I can understand different perspectives and share mine as well. I'll do my best to look at both sides of everything even though I am a pretty biased bastard at times. My goal is to be able to connect to everyone from anywhere (thank you internet) about my life and get an aspect of how they live as well. Now that I bored the hell out of you, it's time to start working to make this a better world one blog at a time. No one steal that quote.
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