The Counter.


Saturday, August 6, 2011

A Little About Me- My Current Job

At the age of 20, there aren't many places that you can make a salary or have an incredibly well paying job that you enjoy.  This is why I choose to work at a grocery store ( NOT JEWEL OR DOMINIKS.) To be honest, I fuck around just as much as I work, probably way more fucking around then work. I love my managers because I feel like there on the same page with me and they let me carry on with my stupidity.  As long as you get your work done were all good.  Even if you are soloing on a piece of cardboard to the song "Baker Street" on the radio, which I may say have gotten down perfectly.  It's one thing to talk about it but maybe some pics will help you get a better visual on how I get payed to just look good, play air guitar, and mess shit up.
This is my Co-Pilot, that's what I call him because he helps me navigate through life(pretty deep right?)  Well this time Co-Pilot has navigated himself into a pickle he might have trouble getting out of.  He might of had his radar set backwards, or someone had there cell phone during liftoff. That tongue won't help you now, Co-Pilot.
Not many know how high up that is.  Were talking about Mt. Everest here, well maybe not, but still pretty damn high up.  We also like to surf the Pepsi pallets when the waves are nice.  Griff, definitely the sexiest surfer in the back room, loves to ride the big ones(sexually).  How he got up there I'm not sure, but I'm assuming he climbed up there spider-man style. Only one way to describe this picture, Gnarly.
Many people enjoy this holiday in a recreational way. When you work where I work, we add ways to make this holiday much more special.  Everyone at work was so ready for this day we even made a song to go with it.(Think Happy Birthday but a hundred times better) "Happy 420 to us! Happy 420 to us! Happy 420 to us! Lets munch on this cake." I shed a tear in happiness like everyone else, and we proceeded to munch.  Oh yeah, this was actually done on 4/21. Leave it to a bunch of stoners.

I finally found it!  The switch that decides the seasons!  Now I can go skiing one day and then go to the beach the next.  Life would of been a lot more fun if I found this as a kid. If it's too cold out? Flip the switch. If it's way to humid outside? Flip the switch.  The meteorologists won't see what hit them he he he. Take that Tom Skilling!

If you liked this post, comment about how your job is different and crazy.  Love to hear other peoples stories on their jobs.  Help me with my project as well, Thank you!

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