The Counter.


Thursday, August 11, 2011

God Damn Cops- Seat Belts are Overrated

Why god damn cops? I'll tell you why.  Last night was the second consecutive night I have received a ticket. SECOND STRAIGHT NIGHT! I will admit, the first one was a little more deserving since I was going 61 on a 45 but the second one was ridiculous!  I literally just pulled out of my buddy's house and not even 10 seconds later I get pulled over.  Of course this being the second night pulled over in a row I felt I could wiggle my way out of this.  The reason for pulling me over was because I didn't have my seat belt.  Fuck that shit.  I was on the road for less than 10 seconds! Give me a god damn chance to put it on!  Why do they give out seat belt tickets anyways, its our choice if we wanna be safe or not, I at the time was feeling quite daring.  I'd rather learn the hard way to have my seat belt on then getting a stupid fucking ticket.  Seat belts are overrated anyways.  Just like air bags they have a possibility to kill you as well during an accident.  Thank you police for wasting my time and my money for stupid bullshit.  What are some of your crazy getting pulled over for stupid shit stories?

Oh yeah, your favorite part, the funny pictures.
Wait until Vader hears about this one.

That dog is carrying!

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