The Counter.


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Random Thought of the Day 8-7

People have the tendency of over thinking anything.  I am one of those people.  So I thought to myself randomly one day, how would it feel to be killed? ( weird question right?) How would it be like? This is where everyone's says well you go to heaven after or blah blah blah. Think about it! What really happens after? Nothing? Then whats the point of living if we only get possibly 75 years of consciousnesses and then the rest of eternity of constant nothingness.  I'm not convinced for SHIT!  I am an Orthodox Christian and believe in God, heaven, the whole 9 yards but thinking from a logical stand point, it is all too puzzling. Hopefully reincarnation is true and I can be an eagle or a cat. That would be pretty cool. What are your thoughts on this?

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